《中英對照讀新聞》Guenther Schabowski, man who accidentally opened Berlin Wall, dies at 86 意外開放柏林圍牆的君特.夏波夫斯基86歲辭世
Guenther Schabowski, the former senior East German Communist official who accidentally announced the opening of the Berlin Wall, has died aged 86, German media reported on Sunday.
Schabowski, a member of and spokesman for the Soviet bloc state’s ruling Politburo, was speaking at an otherwise dull news conference on Nov. 9, 1989, when he was asked by a journalist about current travel rules.
Pressure had been building on the East German government for months to grant its citizens the freedom to travel to the West and a clearly underprepared Schabowski stunned the journalists present with his answer.
"Therefore... um... we have decided today... um... to implement a regulation that allows every citizen of the German Democratic Republic... um... to... um... leave East Germany through any of the border crossings," Schabowski said.
He was then asked when the new rule would take effect. "According to my information... immediately, without delay," he stammered. It later emerged the announcement was not supposed to be released until 4am the next morning. But his confused utterances became a political bombshell.
Journalists immediately began reporting that the Wall was open, spurring a mad dash by joyful East Germans for the border. East Germany’s Communist regime swiftly collapsed, free elections followed and the state itself vanished with German reunification in October 1990. (AP)
underprepared:形容詞,準備不足的、準備不充分的。例句:If you are underprepared the likelihood of success is reduced. (若你準備不充分,成功的機率就會降低。)
stammer:動詞,口吃。例句:She stammered into silence.(她結巴幾句便說不出話了。)
dash:動詞,猛衝、急奔。例句:She dashed into a shop.(她衝進一家店裡。)
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