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《中英對照讀新聞》Spain’s Podemos runs out of steam ahead of election 西班牙「我們可以」黨在選前耗盡動能

2015/11/02 06:00


Two months before general elections, Spain’s new anti-austerity party Podemos appears to be running out of steam, hit by political setbacks and a slump in opinion polls.


Pablo Iglesias, the pony-tailed academic who leads the party, appeared tired and hesitant on Sunday during a televised debate with Albert Rivera who heads the new centre-right Ciudadanos, adding to the sense that Podemos has lost momentum.


In a country where almost a quarter of workers are unemployed, a pledge to restore the welfare state helped catapult it to the top of opinion polls in January 2015 with the party seen winning as much as 28 percent of the vote.


But a poll published earlier this month showed its star appears to have waned with Podemos slumping to the fourth place with 14.1 percent support, behind the main opposition Socialists, the ruling conservative Popular Party and Ciudadanos.


"Podemos had an absolutely disproportionate boom after the European elections," Jacobo Rivero, the author of two books on Podemos, told AFP.


This "wave of success" hid a growing "disconnect with its base" due in part to its reluctance to merge with other leftwing parties, he added.(AFP)




run out of steam:動詞片語,失去持續某事的能量或熱情。例句:China economy has run out of steam.(中國經濟失去成長動能。)

slump:動詞或名詞,大幅或猛然下跌,跌落。例句:The global stock market slump could lead to a new financial crisis.(全球股市大跌可能導致新一波全球金融危機。)

wane:動詞或名詞,變弱、衰退。例句:Hillary’s popularity has waned.(希拉蕊的聲望下滑。)

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