《中英對照讀新聞》American Airlines flight delayed in Texas by swarming bees 美國航空班機在德州被成群蜜蜂耽誤
An American Airlines flight was delayed for more than an hour by bees that were swarming under a plane wing when it was parked at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, the company said on Thursday.
There were no bees on the plane in the Wednesday incident, which was spotted by a service crew who saw the bees buzzing under the wing.
The airline called in a local beekeeper to handle the bees so the plane from Las Vegas could turn around as a flight to Frankfort, Germany.
"Unfortunately, not long after the beekeeper left, another swarm decided to visit the same aircraft," American Airlines spokeswoman Andrea Huguely said.
The beekeeper was called again to remove the second swarm of bees. No one was stung.
"This was not our first encounter with bees," Huguely said. (Reuters)
swarm:名詞,指蜂群、一大群;動詞,指擠滿、成群移動、攀爬。例句:The plaza is swarming with people.(廣場擠滿了民眾。)
sting:名詞,指螫傷處、毒刺、劇痛、警方所設的突擊圈套;動詞,指刺激、叮痛。例句:The police ran a sting operation to crack down on drugs.(警方展開誘捕行動以掃蕩毒品。)
encounter:名詞、動詞,指遭遇、邂逅、對抗。例句:That was my first encounter with alcohol.(那是我第一次碰酒。)
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