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《中英對照讀新聞》In Zimbabwe, a cemetery has become an exercise hotspot 在辛巴威,墓地成為運動熱門地點

2015/10/11 06:00


Caroline Vumbunu believes that exercising among the dead helps prolong her life.


Every morning, the 59-year-old takes power walks in the Warren Hills cemetery in Zimbabwe’s capital.


She’s not alone. The cemetery has become a workout site for dozens of other Zimbabweans due to a lack of gyms and other exercise venues in many Harare neighborhoods.


The dozens of men and women broke up into groups for routines led by instructors. Dressed in colorful track suits, they did pushups and crunches on a cemetery road bordered by countless graves.


Those who come here in search of fitness among the more than 20,000 graves enjoy the serene environment. There are few distractions besides the occasional service vehicles or people driving by to visit the final resting places of their loved ones.



cemetery:名詞,公墓、墓地。例句:Many of the soldiers who died in the battle are buried in a cemetery nearby.(許多在戰役中陣亡的士兵都埋葬在附近的公墓。)

prolong:動詞,延長、拉長。例句:The king has been seeking to prolong life.(國王一直在尋求長壽之道。)

serene:形容詞,安詳的、穩重的、晴朗的、寧靜的。例句:Helen was always calm and serene.(海倫總是平靜而安詳。)

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