《中英對照讀新聞》Hiroshima tram resumes service in original colors to convey horrors of A-bomb 廣島路面電車以原色復駛 傳達原爆的可怕
An inspirational symbol, one of the few remaining streetcars that survived the August 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima has been repainted its original gray and blue colors to mark the 70th anniversary of the world’s first use of a nuclear weapon.
As it departed JR Hiroshima Station for its maiden trip after restoration on time at 10:30 a.m. on June 13, local residents and train buffs trained their cameras on the train.
The Hiroshima Electric Railway Co.’s Model 650 tramcars, which were introduced in 1942, are regarded as one of the symbols of the city’s recovery from the A-bombing on Aug. 6, 1945, as the lines resumed operation only three days later.
The repainted No. 653 car will operate through Aug. 30 on weekends and national holidays on a roundtrip route between JR Hiroshima Station and Hiroden Nishi-hiroshima Station, which passes in front of the iconic Atomic Bomb Dome.
convey:動詞,搬運;傳達(感情)。例句:She asked me to convey her blessings to the newlyweds.(她拜託我向那對新人轉達祝福之意。)
train on:慣用語,瞄準,對準,專注於。例句:Train your lens on the bush. There is a bear back there.(把鏡頭對準樹叢。後面有一隻熊。)
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