《中英對照讀新聞》Backers of Boston Olympics call for statewide referendum on bid 波士頓奧運贊助商呼籲全州就申奧舉行公投
◎ 顧佳欣
The backers of Boston’s bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games called on Tuesday for a statewide referendum in 2016 on whether the bid should go forward, adding that they would abandon the attempt without majority support statewide and in Boston.
The proposal, made by John Fish, a construction executive serving as chairman of the Boston 2024 Partnership, came in the wake of a poll last week that found most residents of the greater Boston area oppose hosting the Summer Games.
Since the U.S. Olympic Committee in January named Boston as its surprise pick to seek what would be the nation’s first Olympics since the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, the idea has run into a groundswell of public opposition, with many expressing the worry that city taxpayers would have to foot much of the estimated $9.5 billion cost.
Mayor Marty Walsh said he backed the idea of a referendum.
in the wake of :片語,繼……之後。例句:There is no tsunami in the wake of the earthquake.(地震之後並沒有發生海嘯。)
foot:作動詞可指步行;付帳單、費用。例句:Eddie will foot the bill for dinner.(艾迪會付晚餐的錢。)
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