《中英對照讀新聞》New York responders spend hours getting 700-pound man to hospital 紐約市處理人員費勁數小時 送700磅男子就醫
New York City firefighters used a rope-and-pulley system in an hours-long struggle to move an ill 700-pound (317.5 kg) man from his sixth-floor apartment into an ambulance, the New York affiliate of CBS TV reported.
A call for help for a man having difficulty breathing came from an apartment house in the Hamilton Heights section of upper Manhattan, a New York fire department spokesman told Reuters.
He was transported to St. Luke’s Hospital, said the spokesman.
Amateur video showed the man, strapped to a net attached to ropes, being eased through the apartment building’s stairway. It took 10 firefighters to lift him into the ambulance.
Neighbors said he was unable to walk because of leg problems and that it was the second time in recent months that firefighters worked to remove him from the apartment because of a medical problem. (Reuters)
responder:名詞,指回應者、應答器、響應者。例句:First responders to that explosion just arrived on the scene.(處理該爆炸案的第一線應變人員剛抵達現場。)
affiliate:動詞,指納為成員、使緊密聯繫、使隸屬於、加入、有關;名詞,指附屬企業、分支機構。例句:This senior high school is affiliated to that university.(這間高中附屬於那間大學。)
amateur:名詞,指業餘愛好者、外行、生手;形容詞,指業餘的、非職業的、外行的。例句:I made an amateur attempt to bake some cookies.(我很外行地試烤了些餅乾。)
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