《中英對照讀新聞》Jeb Bush noting difference with former president brother 傑伯.布希強調與前總統老哥的差異
Republican White House prospect Jeb Bush says his views about America’s place in the world will often be compared to those of his father and brother, both former presidents, but plans to tell an audience Wednesday, "I am my own man."
While Bush has not yet formally declared his candidacy, the former Florida governor is all but certain to run for president in 2016 and has already faced questions about how he would distinguish himself from his family, particularly his older brother, former President George W. Bush.
"I recognize that as a result, my views will often be held up in comparison to theirs’—sometimes in contrast to theirs’," Bush plans to say.
"But I am my own man—and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," he says. (AP)
all but something:慣用語,幾乎;除了…都。例句:She was all but killed when they found her.(她被發現時幾乎就要掛了。)
All but Mary passed the test.(除了瑪莉,所有人都通過測試。)
distinguish from:慣用語,區分。例句: It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.(雙胞胎很難區分。)
as a result:慣用語,因此,所以。
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