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《中英對照讀新聞》California man fatally impaled on fence after falling from tree加州男墜樹 被圍欄刺死

2015/03/28 06:00


A California man who authorities believe had been drinking in a tree outside of his home was fatally impaled when he accidentally fell from its branches and landed on a spiked fence.


The body of the man, who was not named, was found by officers in the East Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, said Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman Officer Liliana Preciado.


"It appears that the individual may have been drinking on top of a tree and he accidentally fell and impaled himself," Preciado said.


About a dozen beer cans were found at the scene, Los Angeles Police Captain Brian Pratt told KTLA TV.


"I think there was a party earlier at the house that evening," he said.


There was no immediate word on how long the body had been on the fence. The man appeared to have been impaled through the face and neck, Los Angeles Police Sergeant Melvin Gamble told the Los Angeles Times.


"Over the years, you see stuff like this," Gamble told the newspaper. "You still don’t get used to it." (Reuters)



impale:動詞,指以尖物刺穿、釘住做為懲罰、逼視、使陷入困境。例句:She impaled him on a dilemma.(她讓他進退維谷。)

stuff:名詞,指材料、原料、資料、現金、填充物;動詞,指塞滿、填飽、吃得過多。例句:I’m so stuffed.(我吃得好撐。)

get used to:片語動詞,指習慣於。例句:She never gets used to them.(她一直看不慣他們。)

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