《中英對照讀新聞》Tea’s benefits extend to old bones:Japan researchers 日本研究人員:茶的好處擴及老骨頭
Researchers in Japan say black tea could help treat osteoporosis, a bone condition affecting older people, but admit you need to drink an awful lot of it.
Researchers led by Keizo Nishikawa of Osaka University found that theaflavin-3(TF-3), the antioxidant, works by inhibiting the function of an enzyme called DNA methyltransferase, which destroys bone tissue.
The research, published in the online edition of the US journal Nature Medicine on Monday, found that mice suffering from osteoporosis who were given TF-3 showed recovering levels of bone volume, similar to those of healthy mice.
But it might be a bit early to rush to put the kettle on -- the research found that a 60 kilogramme(130-pound) adult would have to drink 60 cups of tea over three days to see a noticeable difference, Jiji Press reported.
awful:形容詞,非常多的。例句:It was an awful risk to take.(那樣做太冒險了。)
inhibit:動詞,抑制。例句:This drug inhibits the growth of tumours.(這種藥可以抑制腫瘤生長。)
noticeable:形容詞,顯而易見的。例句:There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim’s cooking.(提姆做菜有很大的進步。)
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