《中英對照讀新聞》"Anyone but the Chinese":Madagascar workers demand new masters 「誰都可以,就是不要中國人」:馬達加斯加勞工要求新雇主
Workers at a Chinese sugar refinery in Madagascar, where a long-simmering labor dispute boiled over into deadly riots last week that left at least four dead, are unequivocal about what it would take to get them back to work.
"We don’t want the Chinese. We do not want to work with the Chinese," Leon Clement, a workers’ representative at Sucoma, said.
"In front of government ministers they promise to give us more rights but they never do!"
Bernard Jerome, another of the 2,000 people employed at the Sucoma plant in Morondava on Madagascar’s west coast, said, "We’re asking the State to find new partners. Anything but the Chinese."
As the dust settled on days of violence at the refinery workers recited a litany of grievances that had poisoned labor relations:miserly pay of about $37 a month, special privileges for a select few, humiliation and pressure for those lower down the food chain.(AFP)
In front of:慣用語,在…前面。例句:A widower whose wife was killed in front of their toddler son when an 85-year-old driver confused the pedals of his car has made an impassioned plea for his family’s story to be used as a cautionary tale against dangerous driving among the elderly.(1名鰥夫慷慨激昂地籲請眾人,將他的妻子在幼子面前被搞錯汽車踏板的85歲駕駛人撞死的家族故事,做為老年人駕駛危險性的警告教訓。)
anything but:單單除了…之外;絕對不。例句:I’ll do anything but helping him.(我做什麼都可以,但絕對不幫他。)
when the dust settles:慣用語,字面意義為塵埃落定;形容事情平靜下來。
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