《中英對照讀新聞》A Frosty Fatwa? Snowmen get the cold shoulder in Saudi Arabia 冷若冰霜的教令?雪人在阿拉伯受到冷眼對待
Saudis in the northern areas drew on their imagination and sense of fun as they braved the cold weather to build snow camels in a rare tribute to the local culture.
However, it was not all fun for Saudis.
A prominent religious scholar in Saudi Arabia has given the cold shoulder to snowmen – by issuing a fatwa against them.
The fatwa said that building snowmen – or indeed creating any living creature out of snow – was an insult to the Islamic religion. Only lifeless things, such as ships, fruit and buildings could be imitated, the fatwa said.
No date was mentioned about when the fatwa was issued, but it was widely circulated on social networks, triggering a wide and often heated online debate mainly among Gulf nationals.
Those who supported the fatwa said that building snowmen was a crude imitation of the West.
However, Mishaal, an angry blogger, blasted the fatwa.
“We have snow for fleeting days, maybe even hours, and there is always someone who wants to rob us of the joy and the fun,” he posted. “It seems that the only thing left for us is to sit down and drink coffee,” he said.
give sb/sth the cold shoulder:片語,故意冷落、怠慢(人),對某事表現出毫無興趣。例句:Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?(你為什麼對我這麼冷淡?)
draw on something:片語,利用某事或從某事汲取資源。例句:Peter’s new book draws on his own life experiences.(彼得的新書取材自他自己的人生經歷。)
fleeting:形容詞,迅速的,短暫的。用法如︰a fleeting glimpse,匆匆一瞥。a fleeting visit,短暫的訪問。
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