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《中英對照讀新聞》Bedtime light may stop cancer drug working 就寢時開燈可能阻止癌症藥物發揮藥效

2014/12/04 06:00


Even low levels of light in bedrooms may stop breast cancer drugs from working, US researchers have warned.


Animal tests showed light, equivalent to that from street lamps, could lead to tumours becoming resistant to the widely used drug Tamoxifen.


The study, published in the journal Cancer Research, showed the light affected sleep hormones, which in turn altered cancer cell function.


UK experts said it was an intriguing finding, but not proven in people.


Tamoxifen has transformed the treatment of breast cancer by extending lives and increasing survival times. It stops the female hormone oestrogen fuelling the growth of tumours although the cancerous cells may eventually become resistant to the drug.



resistant:形容詞,抗拒的,對…有抵抗能力的。例如:a disease-resistant variety of tomato(抗病害的番茄品種)

intriguing:形容詞,有趣的,富魅力的。例句:She has a really intriguing personality.(她的個性真的很有魅力。)

fuel:動詞,助長,激起。例句:The rapid promotion of the director’s son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.(董事的兒子升太快了,引發公司內部的不滿情緒。)

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