《中英對照讀新聞》Cat, dog, lasers: A senior portrait to remember 貓,狗,雷射:供人追憶的高三生肖像
A New York boy and his cat, a principal and her dog - and lasers.
They all came together in teenager Draven Rodriguez’s senior portrait, which ended up with him holding his cat, Mr. Bigglesworth, and Schenectady High School principal Diane Wilkinson holding her Chihuahua, Vivienne.
The 16-year-old had originally wanted his senior yearbook portrait to show him holding his cat, with lasers in the background. He posted the photo on the Internet, and it went viral.
The school denied his request but said the photo could appear somewhere in the yearbook.
Wilkinson got in on the act, and school district officials say the portrait with the two pet owners will appear on the principal’s yearbook page. It’ll be used to raise awareness for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and rescue animals. (AP)
go viral:慣用語,像病毒般蔓延、大流行、瘋傳。
end up with someone or something:慣用語,以與某人或某事做為結束或告終。例句:I thought my date was with Jake, but I ended up with his twin brother Frank.(我以為我是跟傑克約會,沒想到最後卻是跟他的雙胞胎兄弟法蘭克。)
get in on something:慣用語,參加;設法參加他人正在做的有趣或有利可圖之事;共襄盛舉。例句:She is trying to get in on the new club.(她設法加入那個新俱樂部。)
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