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《中英對照讀新聞》Skeletons reveal secrets of 9,000-year-old dentistry 骨骸揭開9000年前牙科醫學的奧秘

2006/05/10 06:00


Evidence has been found of the world's oldest dentists, who drilled teeth to remove decay about 9,000 years ago. Treatment was carried out in an area of what is now Pakistan, using tiny, flint-tipped wooden drills, that rotated at about 20 times a second, say scientists who reconstructed the implements.


Italian researchers who examined 300 skeletons exhumed from an ancient burial site discovered nine had drilled teeth. Some of the holes were in teeth at the back of the jaws, indicating that they had not been made for decorative purposes.


"The treatment would have been excruciatingly painful because the vibrations would have been very low and very strong," said Professor Alfredo Coppola of Rome University's human biology department. However, it was possible that pain relief had been offered. "This area is well-known for its opium production, so perhaps drugs were used," he said.


Modern dental drills rotate at 20,000 times a second. Previously, the earliest known evidence of dentistry was found in teeth from a graveyard in Denmark dating from about 3,000BC.



tip:可作動詞,意即在頂端裝上某物,如,a filter-tipped cigarette: 濾嘴香菸。


opium:鴉片、麻醉劑。opium poppy: 罌粟花。Opium War 中英鴉片戰爭。

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