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《中英對照讀新聞》Paul Krugman:Prepare For Alien Invasion - And Spend Our Way To Economic Recovery 保羅.克魯曼:為外星人入侵做準備─並且花錢促進經濟復甦

2012/07/16 06:00


Economist Paul Krugman has a simple solution to America’s economic woes:Prepare for an alien invasion.


Arguing that the United States successfully ended the Great Depression with government spending, he provided an interesting idea about how to replicate that economic feat at the Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington, D.C.


"If you actually look at what took us out of the Great Depression," the Princeton University professor said in an interview with Chris Hayes of MSNBC. "It was Europe’s entry into World War II and the U.S. buildup that began in advance."


"So if we could get something that could cause the government to say, ‘Oh, never mind those budget things; let’s just spend and do a bunch of stuff.’ So my fake threat from space aliens is the other route," Krugman said.


Krugman has offered up his space alien proposal before. The Princeton professor and New York Times columnist is a well-known fan of science fiction, which might explain his imaginative plan to spur an economic recovery.



woe:名詞,災難,苦惱,悲痛,困難。例句:His life is a tale of woe.(他的人生是一個悲慘的故事。)

spur:動詞,刺激,激勵,鞭策。例句:The design of the bonus system is to spur higher production.(這套獎金制度的設計是用來激發更高的生產力。)

offer up:動詞片語,貢獻,提供。例句:We’ve offered up several recommendations to tackle this problem.(我們已提出幾項建議來解決這個問題。)

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