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《中英對照讀新聞》Many men would dump overweight partner - study 研究:許多男人會甩掉過重的伴侶

2011/09/24 06:00


Men are more concerned with their partner’s body type than women but they also seem to value family more highly, according to a new survey.


Nearly half of men questioned in the poll of 70,000 people said they would ditch a partner who gained weight, compared to only 20 percent of women.


Two-thirds of men also said they had fantasised about their partner’s friends, while only one-third of women had done so.


’’Even as men are getting more comfortable with meeting their girlfriends online and less anxious about who she’s ’friending’ there, other romantic behaviors have proven to be timeless ones:chivalry isn’t dead, size matters, and women forgive while men forget,’’ said James Bassil, editor-in-chief of AskMen, which conducted the poll jointly with Cosmopolitan.com.


The poll also found that men were more likely to lie about the number of sex partners they had been with, and 42 percent said that they would consider a woman sexually promiscuous if she had slept with over 10 men.


By contrast, almost the same number of women said that they would consider a man overly promiscuous after 20 sexual partners.



ditch:動詞,捨棄。例句:Did you know that Sarah has ditched her boyfriend?(你知道莎拉拋棄男友了嗎?)

friending:在社交網站中,friend當動詞用,是指將某人加入朋友名單 (的動作)。unfriending則是「解除好友關係」。不過這種用法是網路上的習慣用語,並非標準英語。

promiscuous:形容詞,雜亂的;不分男女的; 男女亂交的。用法如:promiscuous bathing(男女混浴)、promiscuous sexual relations(性亂交)。

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