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《中英對照讀新聞》No Minister: NZealand politician red-faced after bungle 不是的,部長:紐西蘭政治人物搞砸後一臉尷尬

2010/12/24 06:00


A New Zealand minister has been left red-faced after accidentally dusting off a colleague’s two-year-old speech and delivering it to parliament in an impassioned address.


Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman waxed lyrical for 10 minutes late Tuesday about the benefits of the government’s taxation legislation as puzzled members of the opposition Labour Party looked on.


In a mix-up worthy of the British comedy "Yes Minister", Coleman only realised after completing his address that a government staffer had accidentally handed him a speech originally delivered by Revenue Minister Peter Dunne in 2008.


Dunne admitted Wednesday the mix-up "wasn’t a good look" for politicians and accepted responsibility for the gaffe.


A sheepish Coleman said he had realised there was a problem with the speech but decided to press on.



red-faced:形容詞,臉紅尷尬的。例句:They were caught red-handed, and now they are red-faced.(他們被人贓俱獲逮個正著,現在他們可糗大了。語出英國前首相柴契爾夫人。)

dust off:片語,溫習;重新拿來使用。

wax lyrical:慣用語,興致高昂地談論某事;侃侃而談。例句:I recall John waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.(我想起約翰興致勃勃地談論他的肚子有多平坦。)

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