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《中英對照讀新聞》Wayne Rooney world’s ugliest footballer:website魯尼獲網站票選為全球最醜足球員

2010/07/19 06:00

◎ 管淑平

After a hugely disappointing World Cup, England striker Wayne Rooney is unlikely to be cheered by his latest accolade:ugliest footballer on the planet.


The Manchester United goal machine, who flopped after being hyped as a potential superstar in South Africa, heads the list of unattractive players on dating website BeautifulPeople.com.


Most beautiful, according to online voters subscribing to the site, are Italy’s Fabio Cannavaro, Fernando Torres and David Villa of Spain, US mainstay Landon Donavan and France’s Thierry Henry.


Rooney has the company of England team mate John Terry in the top 10 ugliest, but it’s the Algerian team that comes out as collectively the least attractive on the planet, according to the poll.


BeautifulPeople.com claimed that 200,000 people had already voted in the polling.



accolade:名詞,讚揚(在本文中為反諷法)。例句:The drama received huge accolades from art critics.(這部劇作大受藝評家讚賞。)

flop:動詞、名詞,失敗。例句:My first book was a complete flop, and only tens copies are sold.(我的第一本書徹底失敗,只賣出幾十本。)

hype:動詞、名詞,為了廣告或宣傳而提出的誇大說詞。例句:What he’ve said is just a hype. Don’t take it seriously.(他剛說的都是噱頭,別太當真。)

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