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《中英對照讀新聞》Danish air force to pay Santa for dead reindeer 丹麥空軍將為馴鹿之死付錢給聖誕老人

2005/10/19 06:00


Santa Claus will receive $5000 in compensation from the Danish air force after an F-16 fighter jet frightened one of his reindeers to death.


Professional Danish Santa Olavi Niikanoff complained to the air force after a reindeer died with fright when a jet roared over the field where his animals were grazing, air force spokeman Captain Morten Jensen said.


“We acknowledge it was our fault and we have to pay compensation,” Jensen said, adding that the air force regularly paid out sums of money to compensate for animals that die of fright when planes boom overhead.




frighten:動詞,驚嚇。frighten的字根是fright,名詞,意指「驚嚇」。由此衍生出的字包括frightening,形容詞,意指「駭人的」、「令人驚駭的」,例如:This declassified document contains some truly frightening facts.(這份解密文件包含了一些令人十分驚駭的事實。)還有frightful,形容詞,指「可怖嚇人的」,例如:This frightful mask will be ideal for Halloween.(這個可怕的面具將非常適合萬聖節。)

roar:動詞,發出巨大的吼聲。roar可以當名詞,指「野獸發出的吼聲」,也可指「哄然的笑聲」,例如:The comedian set the crowd into a roar.(這位喜劇演員把群眾逗得哄然大笑。)

graze:動詞,(動物)吃草。例如:If wheat prices are very low, a farmer or rancher may choose to let the cattle graze the wheat all spring, instead of letting the wheat grow and producing grain.(如果小麥的價格非常低,一位農民或牧場主可以選擇讓牛群在小麥田吃上整個春天,而不是讓小麥生長結穗。)

boom:動詞,發出低沉或隆隆的聲音。例如:The clock boomed out the noon hour.(這座鐘低鳴報出正午時刻。)

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