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《中英對照讀新聞》School offers crash soccer course for women學校為女性推出速成足球課

2005/08/26 06:00


A German adult education center is offering a women-only crash course on the basics of soccer to prepare them for next year's World Cup.


The Training Center in the southern city of Nuremberg promises those who enroll in the course, entitled "Understand Soccer–Women Want to Know Now!", an overview of the game's rules and language, as well as a potted history of some of the soccer's leading players. Nuremberg will be one of the 12 host cities for World Cup matches in 2006 and was also a venue for Confederations Cup matches in June 2005.


"Ever wonder why men love soccer so much?" the school's website asks. "Do you want to know why referees call off-sides? With nothing but the World Cup on the airwaves, you now have the chance to understand what everyone's talking about." The course, taught by two women, includes an excursion to a Bundesliga match.



crash:本文中當形容詞,意指應急、速成的。例句:He wanted to lose weight, so he went on a crash diet. (他想減重,所以展開速成節食計劃。)

promise:此字可當動、名詞用,均有答應、保證、給人指望、大有…可能之意。例如:Tom's son is showing great promise as a singer.(湯姆的兒子極有可能成為歌星。)I promise you, it won't be easy.(我警告你,那可不容易。)另外,promise someone the moon (或earth)則是指向某人開空頭支票。

potted:形容詞,有肉醬的、盆栽的、簡化的等意思。a potted history of the world即指世界簡史。

off-side:可當形容詞與名詞,越位(犯規)之意,相反詞是on-side(在正規位置、不越位)。Off-side還有右側之意,例如the off-side rear light of a car是指汽車右側的後車燈。

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