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《中英對照》New York Town Bakes 6,600 Cookies for Troops紐約州一城鎮為部隊烘焙6600片餅乾

2008/11/14 06:00


An upstate New York town has rallied ’round the ovens - baking 6,600 cookies for troops serving overseas.


Liz Rogers, the head of the Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce, says the 550 dozen chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies were all made on Monday and mailed Tuesday.


The care packages included notes from children and adult volunteers and disposable cameras to be mailed back, so the bakers can see how the troops enjoying their treats.


Rogers only has one regret; "I wish we could have sent them milk."



bake:在烤箱中以乾燥高溫烘焙。bake雖有「烤」的意思,但與中文中的「烤」略有不同。例如,同樣是烤,「烤麵包」的「烤」的英文是bake,但「燒烤」的英文是grill,即在烤架(gridiron)上直接灼炙(broil)。例句:New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton once said that she supposed she could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what she decided to do was to fulfill her profession.(紐約州參議員希拉蕊.羅德漢.柯林頓曾說過,她覺得自己可以待在家裡烤餅乾喝茶,但她後來決定落實自己的專業。)

rally:動詞/名詞,集合,團結,振作,復原。例句:The stock market rallied yesterday by nearly 3 percent as the government tried to solve the financial crisis by the end of this year.(昨日股市在政府試圖於年底前解決金融危機之際反彈將近3%。)


disposable chopsticks,免洗筷;disposable diapers,紙尿布。例句:Use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones to save the Earth.(使用傳統尿布而非用過即丟的紙尿布以拯救地球。)

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