《中英對照讀新聞》 Skydivers plunge past Mount Everest 高空跳傘者衝越聖母峰
Three skydivers in Nepal entered the record books on Sunday, plunging from above the height of Mount Everest to land at the world’s highest drop zone.
The daredevil adventurers -- from Britain, New Zealand and Canada -- said they had magnificent views as they rocketed past the world’s highest peak.
"We had one minute of free fall and while we were above the clouds you could see Everest and the other high mountains popping out of the top," Holly Budge told AFP.
The skydivers faced sub zero temperatures and fast changing weather when they jumped in front of Everest to touch down in the foothills of the mountain.
The trip has cost 32 clients around 24,000 dollars each. "It was worth the money. It is something that has never been done before," said Budge, a 29-year-old British camerawoman.
Skydiving at altitudes just higher than the summit of Mount Everest created numerous challenges for the project.
Due to the thin air, their parachutes were three times the size of regular ones, and the jumpers used oxygen tanks strapped to their waists. They also wore neoprene undersuits and thermal gear to keep out the freezing temperatures.
plunge︰投入、陷入、驟降。例句︰The company is plunging deeper into debt.(這家公司的債台越築越高。)
touch down︰降落、著陸。例句︰114 persons were injuried when a tornado touched down near Glasgow.(龍捲風在格拉斯哥附近著陸時,造成114人受傷。)
gear︰特殊功能的衣服、工具、汽車排檔。out of gear指無法正常運轉、失調。shift gears則有換檔、改變作風或態度之意。
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