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《中英對照讀新聞》Sugar mamas hunt boy toys凱子娘覓玩物男

2008/02/16 06:00


Wanted: rich older women interested in hot younger guys. Applicants must be over 35, earn at least $500,000 a year or have a minimum of $4 million in liquid assets, entrusted assets or divorce settlement.


That’s the basis of a speed-dating event organized by a New York entrepreneur bringing together 20 "sugar mamas" and 20 "boy toys" vetted by an elite New York matchmaker.


"Symbiosis has allowed ugly rich men to attract young, gorgeous, money-hungry women for centuries; it’s now the women’s turn," proclaims pocketchangenyc.com, the Web site that Jeremy Abelson is using to promote the event.


Abelson, 27, calls it "Natural Selection Speed Date II: Sugar Mamas & Boy Toys." He came up with the idea after drawing criticism from feminists for organizing an event last year that paired wealthy older men with young women.


More than 5,000 men applied for a place in this year’s event. Twenty finalists were selected. The prospective boy toys -- who had to be under 35 -- were screened by Janice Spindel, billed as New York’s most exclusive matchmaker



vet:動詞,審查。如 vet a manuscript (審查手稿)。


come up with (an idea):想到、突發奇想。I came up with a good idea to make money. (我突然想到一個賺錢的好點子。)

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