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《中英對照讀新聞》Australian senator’s advice:’Always wear clean underwear’澳洲參議員的忠告:永遠都要穿乾淨內衣褲

2007/12/25 06:00


A senior Australian Senator who was handcuffed in his underpants to a pole during a drunken night in a Russian strip club, said he learned from the experience to "always wear clean underwear."


Senator Nigel Scullion said he enjoyed his night out in 1998 in St. Petersburg where, as a professional fisherman, he led an Australian delegation at a global fishing conference.


The escapade was first reported in Australian newspapers Tuesday, a week after the 51-year-old married senator was elected deputy leader of the opposition National party.


News media reported Scullion struggled to break free from the pole as a fight broke out between Russian sailors and other patrons. He fled the club partially clothed.


"Everybody has a colourful past," said Scullion, adding he is not ashamed of his behaviour.



break out:片語,爆發。例句:The fire must have broken out after the staff had gone home.(這場火災一定是在工作人員返家後燒起來的。)

break free:片語,掙脫。例句:She managed to break free and escape through the front door.(她成功地掙脫並從前門逃逸。)

be ashamed of:片語,感到慚愧。 例句:I am ashamed of myself.(我為自己感到慚愧。)

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