中英對照讀新聞》UK To Become First Country To Criminalise AI Tools Creating Sexual Abuse Images 英國將立法管制人工智慧製作性虐圖像 開創全球先河
Britain will become the first country to introduce laws against AI tools used to generate sexual abuse images, the government announced late Saturday.
The government will make it illegal to possess, create or distribute AI tools designed to generate sexualised images of children, punishable by up to five years in prison, interior minister Yvette Cooper revealed.
It will also be illegal to possess AI "paedophile manuals" which teach people how to use AI to sexually abuse children, punishable by up to three years in prison.
"Online child sexual abuse material is growing, but also the grooming of children teenagers online. And what’s now happening is that AI is putting this on steroids," Yvette Cooper told Sky News on Sunday.
groom:動詞,(在此指貶義)專門培養/誘騙(尤指為性剝削目的)。例句:Online predators often groom young victims through social media platforms.(網路掠食者經常透過社群媒體平台,誘騙年輕受害者。)
on steroids:片語,字面意思為「使用類固醇」,引申含義為更強大/更嚴重的版本。例句:This hurricane is like a normal storm on steroids.(這場颶風就像是普通風暴的加強版。)
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