中英對照讀新聞》Crypto boss eats banana art he bought for $6.2 million 加密貨幣公司老闆吃掉他花620萬美元買下的香蕉藝術品

Crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun on Friday fulfilled a promise he made after spending $6.2 million on an artwork featuring a banana duct-taped to a wall - by eating the fruit.
At one of Hong Kong’s priciest hotels, Sun chomped down on a banana in front of dozens of journalists and influencers after giving a speech hailing the work as "iconic" and drew parallels between conceptual art and cryptocurrency.
Titled "Comedian", the conceptual work created by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan was sold at a Sotheby’s auction in New York last week, with Sun among seven bidders.
"It’s much better than other bananas," Sun said after getting his first taste.(AFP)
conceptual:形容詞,概念或觀念性的。例句:She appreciates the conceptual nature of modern art.(她欣賞現代藝術的概念性本質。)
chomp:動詞,大口咬下。例句:The child chomped on an apple while watching cartoons.(那個孩子一邊看卡通,一邊大口咬著蘋果。)
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