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中英對照讀新聞》German police say pizza order No. 40 came with a side of cocaine 德國警方說40號披薩訂單附古柯鹼副餐

2024/10/26 05:30


◎ 周虹汶

German police busted a pizzeria in the western city of Düsseldorf that also delivered a side order of cocaine when customers asked for item number 40 on the menu.


“That was one of the best-selling pizzas,” criminal director Michael Graf von Moltke told reporters in Düsseldorf.


He said police was first tipped off by suspicious food inspectors in March. When drug squad officers began observing the restaurant they soon discovered why pizza number 40 was so popular, Moltke told reporters on Monday.


When police buzzed the apartment of the pizzeria manager, the 36-year-old allegedly threw a bag of drugs out of the window, which “fell right into the arms of the police officers,” Düsseldorf police said. The bounty included 1.6 kilograms of cocaine, 400 grams of cannabis and 268,000 euros in cash.



tip off:動詞,指告密、通風報信、洩漏消息。例句:He tipped us off as to her hideaway.(他向我們透露了她的藏身之處。)

bounty:名詞,指慷慨的贈予、禮品、獎金、補助金、收成、物產。例句:He would offer a bounty of $100,000 for the capture of the murderer.(他願出10萬美元賞金捉拿兇手。)

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