中英對照讀新聞》US nuclear missile program costs soar to around $160 billion 美國核子飛彈計畫成本飆升至約1600億美元
The cost of an Air Force program to replace aging nuclear missiles has ballooned to about $160 billion from $95.8 billion, three people familiar with the matter said, threatening to slash funding for other key modernization plans.
The project, now named the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program, is designed and managed by Northrop Grumman Corp and aims to replace aging Minuteman III missiles.
Its latest price tag has risen by around $65 billion since a 2020 cost estimate, according to a U.S. official, an industry executive and a hill aide briefed on the matter. This may force the Pentagon to scale back the project’s scope or time frame, a second industry executive said.
Bloomberg reported earlier on Friday that the new price tag was around $141 billion with the Pentagon assessing modifications of construction and schedule. (Reuters)
balloon:動詞,膨脹,激增。例句:Trade deficits have ballooned.(貿易逆差急遽膨脹。)
scale back/down (something):慣用語,縮減。例句:Sid will have to scale back his plans.(席德將不得不縮減他的計畫。)
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