中英對照讀新聞》Tokyo to create missile shelter in Azabu-Juban subway station 東京將在麻布十番地鐵站建造飛彈避難所

The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to renovate Azabu-Juban subway station in the city’s Minato Ward to create an underground shelter in case of missile attacks, sources said.
Azabu-Juban, a stop on the capital’s Toei Oedo Line, is a stone’s throw from the Roppongi and Hiroo districts where many foreign embassies are located.
Sources in the metropolitan government said plans call for an underground storage area for emergency supplies in the station premises to be refurbished so Tokyoites have somewhere safe to huddle in the event of a prolonged attack.
The central government has put the onus on prefectures to designate temporary evacuation sites in the event of an emergency under the civil protection law to ensure communities remain safe from threats such as missiles strikes.
a stone’s throw:慣用語,一石之遙,形容兩地距離很近。例句:My grandparents live only a stone’s throw from my house.(我阿公阿嬤就住在我家附近。)
onus:名詞,責任;put the onus on someone,讓某人承擔責任。例句:Her husband put the onus on her to take care of his own parents.(她老公把照顧他自己爸媽的責任推給她。)
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