中英對照讀新聞》Three little piggies went to a yoga class. Their human companions had a blast.3隻小豬去上瑜珈課,牠們的人類夥伴玩得很開心。
Three little piggies went to a yoga class. Their human companions had a blast.
Wilbur, Charlotte and Bluey fit right into a growing trend of yoga with animals, adding some fun to the usual physical and mental wellness exercises at a class in central Massachusetts.
Darting and strolling among the yoginis making downward dog, crow and cobra poses, the piglets also dug up a backyard with their soft pink snouts as two rabbits and a goat named Munchie searched for the tastiest shoots.
The experience was well worth a nearly two-hour drive to the town of Spencer for retired New Hampshire dentist Stacey Delbridge and her daughter.
“The best thing about the piglet yoga was the piglets and how cute they are,” Delbridge said with a jubilant smile. “They were funny, you know. Just when you were getting to a point where you needed a break, you had a great visitor come see you.Yeah. They’re adorable.”
jubilant:形容詞,歡欣雀躍的、興高采烈的。例句:The fans were jubilant at their baseball team’s victory.(球迷為他們的棒球隊獲勝而歡欣雀躍)。
adorable:形容詞,可愛的、討人喜歡的。例句:They live in an adorable little cottage.(他們住在1棟可愛的小屋裡。)
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