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中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand opens first ’kiwi hospital’ for injured birds 紐西蘭為受傷鳥兒開設首家「奇異鳥醫院」

2024/04/17 05:30



New Zealand opened its first hospital exclusively treating kiwi birds, and vets have already nursed the first patient back to health - a chick nicknamed "Splash" that tumbled into a swimming pool.


Rising numbers of the once-threatened national bird have led to the construction of a purpose-built facility in Kerikeri, a three-hour drive north of Auckland.


The rehabilitation centre is in the heart of the Northland region, which has a brown kiwi population of nearly 10,000.


The Department of Conservation said the population growth is a result of successful predator management, "but without sustained effort, brown kiwi could easily slide back into a threatened status." (AFP)



exclusively:副詞,形容詞為exclusive,獨有的,專用的。例句:We managed to get an exclusive interview with the infamous mob boss.(我們設法獨家訪問到惡名昭彰的黑幫老大。)

tumble:動詞,跌跌撞撞,倒塌,滾落。例句:More than 100 buildings tumbled down in the earthquake.(超過100棟建築物在這場地震中倒塌。)

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