中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand opens first ’kiwi hospital’ for injured birds 紐西蘭為受傷鳥兒開設首家「奇異鳥醫院」
New Zealand opened its first hospital exclusively treating kiwi birds, and vets have already nursed the first patient back to health - a chick nicknamed "Splash" that tumbled into a swimming pool.
Rising numbers of the once-threatened national bird have led to the construction of a purpose-built facility in Kerikeri, a three-hour drive north of Auckland.
The rehabilitation centre is in the heart of the Northland region, which has a brown kiwi population of nearly 10,000.
The Department of Conservation said the population growth is a result of successful predator management, "but without sustained effort, brown kiwi could easily slide back into a threatened status." (AFP)
exclusively:副詞,形容詞為exclusive,獨有的,專用的。例句:We managed to get an exclusive interview with the infamous mob boss.(我們設法獨家訪問到惡名昭彰的黑幫老大。)
tumble:動詞,跌跌撞撞,倒塌,滾落。例句:More than 100 buildings tumbled down in the earthquake.(超過100棟建築物在這場地震中倒塌。)
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