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中英對照讀新聞》Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring at Groundhog Day festivities龐克蘇托尼鎮的菲爾在土撥鼠日慶祝活動預測春天將提早到來

2024/02/13 05:30



Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring on an overcast Friday morning at Gobbler’s Knob in Pennsylvania, the scene of the largest and best-known Groundhog Day celebration in the United States.


The annual event is a tongue-in-cheek ritual in which Phil’s handlers, members of a club with roots in the late 19th century, reveal whether the groundhog has seen his shadow.


Just after sunrise Friday, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club announced Phil did not see his shadow, which will usher in early springlike weather. The groundhog seeing his shadow presages six more weeks of winter, according to the group.



Before the announcement, the club’s President Tom Dunkel explained that his cane, handed down from previous presidents, including his father, gave him the power to speak "Groundhog-ese" and that Phil would tell him which of two scrolls to use.



tongue-in-cheek:形容詞,挖苦的、半開玩笑的。例句:Her latest play is a firmly tongue-in-cheek look at the world of advertising.(她的最新作品以半開玩笑的方式,審視廣告世界。)

presage:動詞,預示、預知。例句:Many investors are worried that the current slowdown could presage another recession.(許多投資人擔心,當前的經濟放緩可能預示著另一場衰退。)

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