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中英對照讀新聞》English-guided sumo shows hit big with visitors to Japan 英語導覽的相撲秀靠訪日遊客大獲成功

2024/02/02 05:30



In a dohyo ring, Jokoryu, a former komusubi, and Matsunoumi, previously a rikishi in the third-lowest “sandanme” division, prepared to square off to the delight of foreign and other visitors.


A presenter was seen giving English-only commentary during the Nov. 15 show, including on sumo’s rules and prohibited techniques, while the two wrestlers gave a demonstration on the dohyo.


Non-Japanese participants, in mock rikishi costumes, were later given opportunities to “challenge” the former rikishi. A group-by-group commemorative photo session wrapped up the occasion.



hit big:慣用語,非常成功。例句:The singer is about to hit big with her new song.(這名女歌手即將憑藉其新歌大受歡迎。)

to the delight of someone:慣用語,令某人高興的是。例句:To her delight, all her enemies are dead.(令她高興的是,她的仇人全死光了。)

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