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中英對照讀新聞》Pig kidney works a record 2 months in a brain-dead patient豬腎在腦死患者體內運作2個月,寫下紀錄

2023/09/19 05:30



US surgeons who transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a brain-dead patient announced they had ended their experiment after a record-breaking 61 days.


The latest experimental procedure is part of a growing field of research aimed at advancing cross-species transplants, mainly testing the technique on bodies that have been donated for science.


There are more than 103,000 people waiting for organ transplants in the United States, 88,000 of whom need kidneys.


"We have learned a great deal throughout these past two months of close observation and analysis, and there is great reason to be hopeful for the future," said Robert Montgomery, director of the New York University Langone Transplant Institute, who led the surgery in July.



brain-dead:腦死的、(尤指疲勞、煩悶而)頭腦遲鈍的。例句:By the time I leave work I’m completely brain-dead.(到了下班時間,我的腦袋完全遲鈍了。)

transplant:移植、移居。例句:We transplanted the rose-bush into the back garden.(我們將那棵玫瑰移植到後花園。)

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