中英對照讀新聞》Toronto film festival kicks off with Miyazaki’s ’The Boy and the Heron’, few stars多倫多影展以宮崎駿作品「蒼鷺與少年」和少數明星揭開序幕
The Toronto International Film Festival opened on Thursday with "The Boy and the Heron" by famed Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, the first time an animated feature has taken the coveted spot.
Studio Ghibli executive Junichi Nishioka said it was an honour for "The Boy and the Heron" to have been chosen as the opener for the festival.
"It shows that animation and live-action films don’t need to be differentiated anymore," he said.
The film, a semi-autobiographical story of a young boy struggling with the death of his mother, is expected to Miyazaki’s swan song. The 82-year-old director, known for works such as "Spirited Away" and "My Neighbor Totoro", did not attend the opening.
covet:動詞,渴望、垂涎。例句:The Oscar is the most coveted award for actors and film crew.(奧斯卡是演員和電影劇組最渴望的獎項)
swan song(swansong):名詞,最後的演出、告別作。例句:This album was her swan song as a pop singer.(這張專輯是她做為流行歌手的告別作)
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