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中英對照讀新聞》National Park Service: Never push a ’slower friend down’ if you come across a bear 美國國家公園管理局:偶遇熊時,切勿推倒「動作慢的朋友」

2023/09/01 05:30



As the warmer weather returns, bears will also come out of hibernation, making it common for you to encounter one in the wild. And, if you so happened to run into one, officials say there’s one thing you should "never" do, that is "push a slower friend down" so that you can get away.


The National Park Service shared some advice on Tuesday, saying that you should refrain from pushing down someone slower "even if you feel the friendship has run its course."


Instead of trying to serve your friend - or former one - up as bait, the park service said that there are several other methods you can take to help you and your friend to escape from the bear safely.



refrain from doing something:慣用語,避免;忍住;節制去做某事。例句:Please refrain from smoking in the lavatory.(請勿在機上洗手間內吸菸。)

run its course:慣用語,自然發展;持續到自然結束。例句:There must be signs that your relationship has run its course.(情已逝必有徵兆可尋。)

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