中英對照讀新聞》Little hero:’ Boy stops Michigan school bus with ill driver小英雄:男孩讓一台駕駛生病的密西根校車停駛

A boy grabbed the steering wheel on a school bus and hit the brakes, bringing the vehicle to a safe stop on a busy Detroit-area road after the driver had passed out, authorities said.
“Someone call 911. Now!” seventh-grader Dillon Reeves shouted to dozens of other middle-school kids on the bus.
7年級生狄龍.里維斯在公車上對其他數十名 中學生孩童大吼:「誰撥打911。立刻!」
Dillon was hailed as a hero: He stopped the bus as it was veering toward oncoming traffic.
“In my 35-plus years of education, this was an extraordinary act of courage and maturity on his part,” said Robert Livernois, superintendent of Warren Consolidated Schools.
The incident was recorded on a video camera just above the driver. The video shows the driver fanning herself with a baseball cap and informing the transportation office that she needs to pull over.
veer:動詞,轉向;改變方向。例句:The wind veers around to the west. (風改向西吹。)
pass out:動詞片語,昏迷。例句:Thirteen people passed out at the outdoor market. (這次戶外市集有13人熱昏。)
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