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中英對照讀新聞》Lithuanians raise 14 mn euros to buy radars for Ukraine 立陶宛人募集1400萬歐元要為烏克蘭買雷達

2023/05/03 05:30



Lithuanians have donated 14 million euros to buy air defence radars for Ukraine in a month-long fundraising drive, the organisers said Saturday.


The Baltic country, a member of both the European Union and NATO, has been a major backer of Ukraine since it was invaded by Russia in February last year.


"At this crucial moment, we must do all that is possible to guarantee our backing for the Ukrainian people," President Gitanas Nauseda said on Friday - the last day of the month-long collection drive and the first anniversary of the Ukraine war.


The money raised will be used to buy 14 radars, the organisers said. (AFP)



raise:動詞,募款。例句:We are raising funds for a children’s charity.(我們正在為一家兒童慈善機構募款。)

drive:名詞,為了達成某個目標而進行的活動、或付出的努力。例句:We ran online advertisements for the sales drive.(我們為這場促銷活動在網路上打廣告。)

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