中英對照讀新聞》Credit Suisse memorabilia up for grabs in online shops after merger 併購後,瑞士信貸的紀念品在網路商店待價而沽
Within hours of its takeover by UBS Group being announced, memorabilia bearing lender Credit Suisse’s name and logo was being put up for sale in Switzerland, marking the end of an era.
Dozens of bars of gold, stamped with the name of the issuer - the 167-year-old Credit Suisse - were uploaded to the country’s most popular online marketplaces, Ricardo.ch and tutti.ch.
Blue and red ski hats bearing the ’CS’ letters were getting bids of close to 200 Swiss francs ($216). Other merch up for sale included stamps, old letters, and sports bags.
With it still unknown whether the Credit Suisse brand will be continued, the sellers are seeking to attract those looking to snap up a piece of Swiss financial history.
up for grabs:慣用語,待價而沽、人人都可爭取之物。例句:The prize was up for grabs to anyone above 18 years of age.(任何18歲以上的人都可參加該獎項的比賽。)
snap up:動詞片語,搶購。例句:The book were snapped up with three weeks of going on sale.(這本書在開賣3週內就被搶購一空。)
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