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中英對照讀新聞》Stolen hot dog statue returned to WVa restaurant owner 遭竊的熱狗塑像回歸西維吉尼亞州餐廳老闆

2023/01/28 05:30



The owner of a West Virginia restaurant that was heavily damaged by fire has his coveted hot dog statue back.


The “Wienerman” statue was stolen from the Dairy Winkle in Campbells Creek during a break-in sometime after the Jan. 11 fire, the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.


A tip led deputies to a location where the statue was found undamaged. It was returned to restaurant owner Kerry Ellison, the statement said.


Investigators have not identified a suspect and are seeking information about the theft.


The short statue depicts a hot dog licking its lips and holding a bottle of mustard while pouring a bottle of ketchup on its head. (AP)



covet:動詞,指覬覦、垂涎、貪求、渴望。coveted為形容詞,指垂涎的。例句:He gave up a coveted job.(他放棄了一份別人夢寐以求的工作。)

depict:動詞,指描繪。例句:Horror was depicted on every countenance.(每張臉孔都出現駭愕表情。)

pour:動詞。指傾瀉、湧出。例句:I was standing in the pouring rain for an hour.(我在傾盆大雨中站了1小時。)

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