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中英對照讀新聞》Swiss ’zero star hotel’ offers sleepless nights to ponder world’s crises 瑞士「零星級飯店」提供讓人思考全球危機的不眠之夜

2022/09/29 05:30


◎ 孫宇青

"I couldn’t sleep," and "my room was too noisy," may be complaints hoteliers dread from guests, but for the Riklin brothers that is the entire point of their latest ’zero star hotel’ art installation.


The Swiss concept artists’ hotel room is essentially a double bed on a platform, with two bedside tables and lamps. There are no walls, ceiling or doors to provide any privacy or shelter.


The project to set up the zero star suite on a roadside next to a petrol station in the village of Saillon in the southern Swiss has been developed with hotelier Daniel Charbonnier


The intention is to make guests think about the problems in the world, like climate change and war, the twin brothers said, and inspire them to act differently. (Reuters)



sleepless:形容詞,失眠的。例句:Jenny had a few sleepless nights out of concern for his safety.(因為擔心他的安危,珍妮失眠了好幾天。)

hotelier:名詞,旅館業者。例句:Hundreds of hoteliers will gather here this evening.(數百位旅館業者今晚將齊聚於此。)

dread:動詞或名詞,懼怕。例句:Joseph dreads going to the dentist.(喬瑟夫害怕看牙醫。)

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