中英對照讀新聞》Pulitzer prize for Ukraine journalists rewards courageous, truthful reporting(普立茲獎頒給烏克蘭記者 獎勵英勇、如實報導)
The Pulitzer prizes have honoured the journalists of Ukraine with a special citation hailing the country’s reporters for the “courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting” that they have shown since the Russian invasion.
"The Pulitzer prize board is pleased to award a special citation to the journalists of Ukraine for their courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting during Vladimir Putin’s ruthless invasion of their country and his propaganda war in Russia," said prize administrator Marjorie Miller.
The Pulitzer board wrote: "Despite bombardment, abductions, occupation, and even deaths in their ranks, they have persisted in their effort to provide an accurate picture of a terrible reality, doing honour to Ukraine and to journalists around the world."
reward:動詞或名詞,獎賞。例句:Our new business strategy has been rewarded with a huge surge in revenue.(我們的新商業策略獲得營收大增的回報。)
honour(或美式寫法 honor):動詞,表彰、致敬;信守。例句:They failed to honour our agreement.(他們沒有履行我們的協議。)
ranks:名詞(複數形),團體中的成員。例句:I’ve joined the ranks of the unemployed.(我也成了失業者中的一人。)
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埃及拋加薩重建計畫 法德義英表態支持
加拿大不是吃素的!因為川普 抵制美國貨成全民運動
德保守派聯盟與社民黨達初步協議 可能組聯合政府
敘利亞內部衝突 安全部隊被控殺害532阿拉維派平民
普廷開條件 允暫時停火
北韓公開核潛艦照 專家:兩年內下水
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