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中英對照讀新聞》JR East to raise fares by 10 yen to improve disabled accessibility JR東日本將漲價10日圓以改善無障礙設施

2022/04/08 05:30



East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) will become the first railway operator to hike passenger fares and use the funds to improve accessibility for the disabled.


The plan is to tack on 10 yen (8 cents) to a ticket for JR East’s 16 major lines, including the Yamanote, Chuo and Keihin-Tohoku lines. The increase will go into effect from spring 2023.


The transport ministry in December 2021 created a new system of adding fares to a ticket to pay for the installation of platform safety doors and elevators at train stations.


Ministry officials said JR East is the first railway company to announce a specific plan.




hike:動詞/名詞:1)遠足,健行;2)提高,增加。例句:The recent hike in food prices was partly caused by global supply chain chaos.(近日食物價格上漲,部分肇因於全球供應鏈混亂。)

go/come into effect:慣用語,生效。例句:The new laws go into effect from 1st May.(新法從5月1日起生效。)

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