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中英對照讀新聞》Housing market so hot, burned house going for almost $400K 美國房市超火熱 火災房喊價近40萬美元

2021/11/11 05:30



A home in Massachusetts seriously damaged by fire has been listed on the market with an asking price of $399,000. WBZ-TV reported that the listing for the home in Melrose, a suburb of Boston, is evidence of how hot the housing market is.


In August, industry groups listed the median sale price of single family homes in the state to be between $535,000 and $552,000.


The online listing for the burned three-bedroom, 173-square meter home says: "House is in need of a complete renovation or potential tear down and rebuild. Buyer to do due diligence."


The house suffered an intense fire in August that blew out the front windows, which are now boarded up. Firefighters had to tear out parts of the walls and ceiling of the home to extinguish the blaze.(AP)



median:名詞或形容詞,中位數;中間的。例句:Last year, the median income of the country was around $18,000.(該國去年總薪資中位數約為1萬8000美元。)

renovation:名詞,翻新。例句:Our shop will be temporarily closed for renovation.(我們店會暫停營業進行翻修。)

due diligence:盡職調查,指簽署合約或其他交易前,依特定標準對合約或交易相關人員或公司的調查。

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