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中英對照讀新聞》 Fun bookmarks, dust jackets, get people to want to read again 有趣的書籤、書套,讓人想一讀再讀

2021/08/06 05:30



The swelling popularity of the small family-owned Seiwado Bookstore here is proof that you can’t judge a book by its cover.


The shop, located in the Tsurumi Ward in Osaka, counts more than 70,000 followers on Instagram thanks to its dust jackets and bookmarks, which tickle the taste buds of readers.


Although the store initially attracted an increasing number of Instagram followers as it shared information on must-read books on a daily basis, it was struggling to see an increase in in-store customers.


So the grandsons of the founder, Yasuhiro Konishi, 34, and his 32-year-old brother, Yuya, hit upon creating original dust covers and bookmarks to draw in customers.



popularity:名詞,受歡迎程度、流行性、知名度、普及性、人氣。例句:The newly debut K-pop group enjoyed great popularity among young adults.(這支剛出道的韓流團體在年輕人中頗具人氣。)

You can’t judge a book by its cover/Never judge a book by its cover:諺語,字面意義為不可以憑書的封面來判斷該書(的內容),引申為不可只憑外表下判斷、不能以貌取人。

hit on/upon something:慣用語,突然想到,靈機一動。例句:Isaac Newton hit upon his understanding of gravity at the sight of an apple falling from a tree.(牛頓看到蘋果從樹上掉下來才突然搞懂萬有引力。)

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