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中英對照讀新聞》Darius, the world’s longest rabbit, is missing 全球體型最長兔子「大流士」不知去向

2021/04/26 05:30



One of the biggest bunnies in the world is missing, and authorities don’t think he just hopped away.


Darius, a Continental Giant rabbit, was last seen on Saturday in his pen in the village of Stoulton, England, about 130 miles northwest of London.


Measuring 4 feet and 3 inches long, he is the current Guinness record holder as the longest rabbit in the world, a title he’s held since 2010.


Darius’ owner, Annette Edwards, upped the reward for finding the missing bunny to $2,750 on Tuesday.


On Sunday, Edwards tweeted that Darius was stolen and pleaded for his return, saying the rabbit was too old for breeding now.



hop:動詞,指單腳短跳或雙足猛力的動作,也指小鳥、青蛙等的跳躍。例句: I saw some bunnies hop on the grass.(我看到一些小兔子在草地上跳躍。)

enclosure:名詞,圍起來的區域;圍欄。例句:These dairy cows are kept in an enclosure.(這些乳牛被圈養在圍欄裡。)

plead:動詞,為(案件)辯護;懇求。例句: He pleaded for forgiveness.(他請求原諒。)

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