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中英對照讀新聞》Coffee before exercise increases fat-burning╱運動前喝咖啡增加燃脂

2021/04/12 05:30


中英對照讀新聞》Coffee before exercise increases fat-burning╱運動前喝咖啡增加燃


If you’re looking to maximize the amount of fat burned in your next workout, think about having a coffee half an hour before you get started – as a new study suggests it can make a significant difference to fat burning, especially later on in the day.


Researchers found that 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight can boost the rate of fat burning during aerobic exercise, based on results gathered from 15 male volunteers.


The coffee dose was shown to increase maximal fat oxidation rate(MFO, a measure of how efficiently the body burns off fat)by an average of 10.7 percent in the morning and 29 percent in the afternoon.


This is a study with a fairly small sample of participants, so it’s important not to jump to too broad a conclusion, but the results are clear enough to suggest that there is some kind of association there.



workout:名詞,健身、鍛鍊身體。例句:This park workout routine will help you build muscle and boost your metabolism.(這組鍛鍊動作可以幫助你增強肌肉,促進新陳代謝。)

aerobic:形容詞,有氧的。例句:I go to aerobics once a week.(我每週上1次有氧課。)

jump to conclusion(s):片語,得出結論、做出推論。例句:Don’t be too hasty and jump to conclusions.(不要那麼匆促而過早下結論。)

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