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《中英對照讀新聞》 Monkeys in Finland zoo prefer traffic noises over nature sounds 芬蘭動物園猴子喜歡交通噪音勝過自然聲響

2021/04/01 05:30



White-faced saki monkeys at Korkeasaari Zoo of Finland have shown a "significant" preference for traffic sounds over jungle noises, researchers have found.


A tunnel fitted with sensors was installed in a monkey enclosure. This allowed the monkeys to choose whether they listened to a playlist of traffic noises, nature and falling rain - or a choice of either zen music and dance music.


Dr. Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas said:"We thought they would enjoy more calming sounds, such as zen music, but actually they triggered the traffic sounds more."


The monkeys also groomed themselves or each other and sometimes slept with the sounds playing - something they did not do for any of the other noises.


Kirsi Pynnonen, the zoo’s research coordinator, said the sounds of the road mimic some of the ways in which the animals naturally communicate.(Sky News)



trigger:動詞,觸發。例句:The cigarette butt triggered the explosion.(菸頭觸發這場爆炸。)

groom:動詞,刷洗(動物)。例句:I spent the whole morning grooming the pets.(我花了整個早上幫寵物洗澡。)

coordinator:名詞,協調人。例句:A coordinator was appointed by us to oversee the project.(我們指定一名協調人監督工程。)

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