中英對照讀新聞》Blinken relishes spicy Korean tofu stew 布林肯喜歡吃韓式辣豆腐鍋
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that he had the pleasure of eating spicy Korean tofu stew during his trip to Seoul this week, in an apparent show of affection for Korean cuisine and culture.
"I remembered how delicious the Sundubu-jjigae tasted back in 2016 on my trip to Seoul," he tweeted Thursday. "I am so glad I was able to enjoy it again during this visit. Sundubu-jjigae is a Korean stew made with soft tofu as a key ingredient.
Senior U.S. officials like former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun have shown their affection for Korean dishes sometimes by visiting local traditional restaurants during their trips here ― apparently as part of public diplomacy.
relish:動詞,享受、喜歡(愛)、愛好、品味、欣賞、憧憬、期盼。例句:I always relish a challenge.(我向來喜歡迎接挑戰。)
have the pleasure of:片語,有這個榮幸(福氣)做…、高興做…。例句:May I have the pleasure of this dance?(我有幸請妳跳支舞嗎?)
cuisine:名詞,烹飪(調)(方式)、菜餚、料理。例句:Most people would prefer gourmet cuisine, but it is costly and difficult to prepare.(大多數人偏好美食,但既昂貴又很難準備。)
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